Monday, December 8, 2014

Musings on mum flu

Before Child, I was unbreakable. I would go to work even if I was dying (either from flu or a hangover, mainly because it meant if I didn't I'd miss out on boozing that night) and just bloody well got on with it (with the occasional whine). Once, after a four hour drinking binge at my works Christmas party and an hour solid on the bumper cars (woo - NAMCO!), I woke up the next day unable to move. A trip to A&E and a HUGE lecture later, I was told I had whiplash. But even that didn't stop me, I was back on it the next day. What a warrior!

These days, a standard cold wipes me out (let alone a hangover). What is it about having a child that means you can't even go about your day with a bloody snotty nose? It isn't just me, is it? I know it isn't.

If you didn't already know, I have mum flu. While it isn't an actual thing, it bloody well should be. I ache, my sinuses are raging, my nose running, I can't stop sneezing and my throat hurts. A pretty standard cold but made a billion times worse because I'm a mum. I can hardly find the energy to do the washing up let alone go to work (I don't have a job) or look after my child (ipad and crisps for her). WHY? I used to rock the shit out of a cold. Today I look a cross between Uncle Fester and Rudolph. WHY?!

Has having a baby really shot my immune system to shit? Almost four years on? Really?

This bout of mum flu has, however, made me realise just how much I take things for granted. How lucky I really am. Take the shower, for example. Hot, running water. A ten minute shower, just standing there for ten whole minutes (I know, it's bad... but I'M ILL) is bliss. I'm SO grateful for that luxury. And for having a husband who doesn't mind getting up with my early riser and keeping her quiet so I can sleep in until ELEVEN AM. I needed that, clearly, although I felt no better for it. But THANK YOU! And cups of tea, strong and sugary. I'm so grateful for you. And my bed, soft and bouncy. And so warm and cosy. There are people who don't have any of that. I am so grateful. These are the simplest of luxuries that we all take for granted every day. We moan when that bag we've been lusting after is out of stock or when the tube is over-crowded. But really, we have it so fucking good.

Think about it next time you have a moan. Think about all the things that are normal to you but to others are alien. And then be grateful.

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