I'm a mother to a three and half year old, I have a husband and a dog and sometimes the raging arse. I like wine quite a bit although I don't drink much anymore because my tolerance to alcohol has dropped severely since my early twenties. I'm racing towards 30 but not by choice and I feel the only thing that may save me from having a breakdown is botox. I'm vain (not quite vain enough to buy a selfie stick), a bit fucked up (but then who isn't) and I swear quite a lot (although not around my daughter or my mother-in-law). My main aim in life is to have a body like Kim Kardashian but because I like carbs more than the gym I know that will never happen so I'm just going to power through eating carbs and going to the gym, hoping to win the lottery so I can have butt implants and a boob lift.
I used to write a blog before, you can learn about why I quit it by reading this.
No sponsored posts but I will happily accept items to review if they are something i'd buy for myself (botox, sleeping tablets, PIZZA...y'know) or Lil (organic body potions - she suffers from eczema, NOT TOYS, please no toys... lovely things that are lovely). All posts will be marked accordingly and written honestly because I'm the realest, yo.
If you want to contact me, you can do so here.
If anyone sends you botox in the post, probs don't use it. Same for butt implants. I'll lift your boobs any time.